Inches (in) to Centimeters (cm) Conversion Calculator and Table

Inches (in) and centimeters (cm) are units of length and are very important not just in electrical engineering but also in everyday life - dimensions of, for example, many batteries are given very often in inches and centimeters.

Inches (In) and centimeters (cm) conversions are simple and straightforward; one just has to remember the actual relation of these units.

Published: January 19, 2024.

To convert Inches (in) to centimeters (cm), write the value in inches and click 'Calculate':

Inches (in) to Centimeters (cm)

Inches (In):

Centimeters (cm):

To convert centimeters to inches, check our Centimeters (cm) to Inches (in) Conversion Calculator and Table article.

How To Convert Inches (in) to Centimeters (cm)

Over time, the exact length of the inch varied, but today, it is standardized and is defined as exactly:

1 inch (in) = 2.54 cm

Thus, if You want to convert 15.34 inches to centimeters, You can write:

L(in) = 15.34 in = 15.34 * 2.54 cm = 38.9636 cm

Similarly, we can calculate:

2 inches to cm:

2 inches = 2 * 2.54 cm = 5.08 cm

3 inches to cm:

3 inches = 3 * 2.54 cm = 7.62 cm

5 inches to cm:

5 inches = 5 * 2.54 cm = 12.7 cm

6 inches to cm:

6 inches = 6 * 2.54 cm = 15.24 cm

10 inches to cm:

10 inches = 10 * 2.54 cm = 25.4 cm

12 inches to cm:

12 inches = 1 foot = 12 * 2.54 cm = 30.48 cm = ~30.5 cm

21 inches to cm:

21 inches = 21 * 2.54 cm = 53.34 cm

34 inches to cm:

34 inches = 34 * 2.54 cm = 86.36 cm

36 inches to cm:

36 inches = 1 yard = 36 * 2.54 cm = 91.44 cm

Inches (in) to Centimeters (cm) Conversion Table

The following chart contains the most common inches (in) values converted to centimeters (cm):

Inches (in)
Centimeters (cm)
0.1  0.254
0.25  0.635
0.5  1.27
1  2.54
2  5.08
3  7.62
5  12.7
10  25.4
50  127
100  254


If You wish to convert values that are not in the table, please use the inches-to-centimeters conversion calculator.

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A Brief History of Inches and Centimeters

The history of inches and centimeters traces back to different origins and cultural contexts. The inch, as a unit of measurement, has roots in the British Imperial system.

Historically, an inch was defined based on the width of a human thumb, a practice dating back to the 7th century. Over time, the inch became standardized, especially with the Weights and Measures Act of 1824 in the United Kingdom.

The centimeter, on the other hand, originates from the metric system, which was developed during the French Revolution as a more logical and universal system of measurement.

The metric system, including the centimeter, was designed to be based on natural constants, such as the size of the Earth, for greater precision and ease of international use. The adoption of the metric system spread globally over the 19th and 20th centuries, marking a shift in measurement standards worldwide.

These two units of measurement, the inch, and the centimeter, reflect different historical and cultural approaches to the standardization of measurement. Their coexistence today in different parts of the world underscores the diversity and evolution of measurement systems through history.